WiMAX what is that?

WiMAX stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, is a broadband wireless access technology (broadband wireless access or BWA abbreviated) which has a high-speed access to a broad range. WiMAX is an evolution from previous BWA technology with features that are more interesting. Besides the high data rates can be given, WiMAX is also a technology with open standards. WiMAX devices in the sense of communication between different vendors can still be done (not proprietary). With large data rates (up to 70 MBps), WiMAX can be applied to a broadband 'last mile', or backhaul.Development of Wireless TechnologyWi Max BWA standards currently widely accepted and widely used is the standard issued by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), such as the 802.15 standard for Personal Area Network (PAN), 802.11 network to Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), and 802.16 for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Network Access (WiMAX).In a cellular network also has developed technology that can stream data to overlay with voice networks such as GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, and HSDPA. Each evolution in general lead to the ability to provide new services or lead to services capable of delivering voice, video and data simultaneously (triple play). So the strategy of development of wireless broadband services are divided into Mobile Network Operator (MNO) and Broadband Provider (BP). Comparison of some characteristics of high-speed wireless data system is described by the First Boston as follows.Comparative Development of Wireless Technology

802.11g WiFi
WiMAX 802.16-2004 *
WiMAX 802.16e
CDMA2000 1x EV-DO
WCDMA / UMTSApproximate max reach (dependent on many factors)
100 Meters
8 Km
5 km
*Maximum throughput
54 Mbps
75 Mbps (20 MHz band)
30 Mbps (10 MHz band)
3.1 Mbps (EVDO Rev. A)
2 Mbps (10 + Mbps HSDPA FPR)Typical Frequency bands
2.4 GHz
2-11 GHz
2-6 GHz
1900 MHz
1800,1900,2100 MHzApplication
Wireless LAN
Fixed Wireless Broadband (eg DSL-Alternative)
Portable Wireless Broadband
Mobile Wireless Broadband
Mobile Wireless BroadbandAbout WiMAXWiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a certification mark for products that pass the test match and in accordance with standard IEEE 802.16. WiMAX is a wireless technology that provides broadband connection in the distance. WiMAX is a broadband technology that has high speed access and wide coverage. WiMAX is an evolution from previous BWA technology with features that are more interesting. Besides the high data rates can be given, WiMAX also brings the issue of open standards. WiMAX devices in the sense of communication between different vendors can still be done (not proprietary). With large data rates (up to 70 MBps), WiMAX eligible applied for "last mile" broadband connections, backhaul, and high speed enterprise.What differentiates WiMAX with Wi-Fi is a technical standard which joined in it. If the IEEE 802.11 WiFi standard combine with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Intitute), HiperLAN as technical standards suitable for WLAN, while WiMAX is a merger between the IEEE 802.16 standard by ETSI HiperMAN standard.Output standard IEEE widely used in the region of origin, United States, while the output standard ETSI widespread use in Europe and surrounding areas. To make this technology can be used globally, it was created WiMAX. Both standards are technical standards combined with the correct specification is suitable for providing broadband connectivity through wireless media type or known by the BWA.WiMAX Frequency SpectrumAs a technology based on the frequency, WiMAX success is dependent on the availability and suitability of the frequency spectrum. Wireless system recognizes two types of Licensed Band frequency band and unlicensed band. Licensed band requires a license or authority of the regulator, which obtained a licensed band operators are given the exclusive right to deliver services in a particular area. While unlicensed band that does not require a license in its use allows anyone to use free frequency in all areas.WiMAX Forum define two main frequency bands in certication profile for Fixed WiMAX (band 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz), while for Mobile WiMAX set four frequency bands in the system profile-1 release, the band 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 3.3 GHz and 3.5 GHz .In general there are several alternative frequencies for WiMAX technology in accordance with the frequency map of the world. From this alternative frequency band 3.5 GHz to frequencies majority Fixed WiMAX in several countries, particularly for countries in Europe, Canada, Middle East, Australia and parts of Asia. While the majority of frequencies used for Mobile WiMAX is 2.5 GHz.Issues Fixed WiMAX frequencies in the 3.3 GHz band was only appear in Asian countries. This is related to the use of 3.5 GHz band for satellite communications, as well as in Indonesia. Indonesia 3.5 GHz band used by satellite in Telkom and PSN to provide INR and broadcast TV services. Thus the use of a joint between the satellite and terrestrial wireless (BWA) in the 3.5 GHz frequency will cause the potential for interference, especially in the satellite.Element WiMAX DevicesElement / WiMAX devices generally consist of BS in the center and CPE at the customer side. However there is still an additional devices such as antennas, cables and other accessories.Base Station (BS)It is a device transceiver (transmitter and receiver) that is usually installed one location (colocated) with a network of Internet Protocol (IP). From this BS will be connected to multiple CPE interfaces with media of radio waves (RF), which followed the WiMAX standard. BS components consist of:• NPU (networking card processing unit)• AU (access unit card) up to 6 +1• PIU (power interface unit) 1 +1• AVU (air ventilation units)• PSU (power supply unit) 3 +1AntennaBS antenna that can be used in sectors of 60 °, 90 °, or 120 ° depending on the area to be served.Subscriber Station (SS)In general, the Subscriber Station (SS) or (Customer Premises Equipment) CPE consists of the Outdoor Unit (ODU) and Indoor Unit (IDU), there is a separate radio devices and is integrated with the antenna.WiMAX Technology and ServicesBWA WiMAX is a standards-based technology that enables distribution through the use of wireless broadband access as a complement to wireline. WiMAX provides last mile access for fixed, nomadic, portable and mobile unconditional LOS (NLOS) between the user and base station. WiMAX is also a BWA system that has the ability interoperabilty between different devices. WiMAX is designed to provide services Point to Multipoint (PMP) or Point to Point (PTP). With data transmission capability of up to 10 Mbps / user.WiMAX Development in a wide range of abilities. Fixed WiMAX in principle developed from the WiFi system, so the limitations of WiFi can be completed through this system, especially in terms of coverage / distance, and guarantee quality of service (QoS). Meanwhile, Mobile WiMAX can be developed to compensate for cellular technology such as GSM, CDMA 2000 or 3G. Advantage Mobile WiMAX found on the system configuration is much simpler and the ability of data transmission is higher. Therefore, the WiMAX system is possible and easily held by a new operator or service provider a small scale.Technology ReviewsWiMAX is a term used to describe the standards and the implementation capable of operating based on IEEE 802.16 wireless networks, like WiFi which operates based on IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN standard. However, its implementation is very different WiMax WiFi.In WiFi, as OSI Layer, is standard on the second tier, where the Media Access Control (MAC) access method of competition, ie where several terminals at the same time gaining access. While the WiMax MAC access method based scheduling algorithm (scheduling algorithm). With access method of competition, then services such as Voice over IP or IPTV which depend on the Quality of Service (Quality of Service) which is stable becomes less good. While on WiMax, which is used scheduling algorithm, then if after a terminal to get the warranty to obtain a number of resources (such as timeslot), the wireless network will continue to provide these resources for the terminal need it.WiMax standard was originally designed for the range of frequency of 10 sd 66 GHz. 802.16a, updated in 2004 to 802.16-2004 (also known as 802.16d) adding the frequency range 2 to 11 GHz in the specification. Also known as 802.16d fixed WiMax, updated again to 802.16e in 2005 (known as mobile WiMax) and uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), which has more scalability than the 802.16d standard that uses 256 OFDM sub-carriers. Use this new OFDM provides advantages in terms of cakupang, installation, power consumption, the use of the frequency and efficiency of frequency bands. WiMAX 802.16e standard has the ability to hand over or hand off, as is appropriate in mobile communications.Number of institutions that are interested in 802.16d and .16 e standards because the standard uses a lower frequency so it is better to damping and thus have a better penetration in the building. At present, there are already commercial network using WiMax device certified in accordance with the standard 802 162.WiMax specifications led to an improvement over the limitations of Wi-Fi standard by providing greater bandwidth and better encryption. WiMax standard provides a connection without the need for Line of Sight (LOS) in certain situations. Non-LOS propagation requires a standard .16 16.e d or revision, because it requires a lower frequency. Also, it should be used in muli-path signals (multi-path signals), as the 802.16n standard.Benefits of Networking LAN (Local Area Network)Many of the gains from the creation of this industrial standardization. The telecom operators can save the investment, because the ability of WiMAX to serve customers with a wider area and a higher level of compatibility. In addition, the market is also more widespread because of WiMAX broadband to fill the gap that had been beyond the reach of technology, Cable and DSL (Digital Subscriber Line).One of WiMAX technology enables them to get a quality Internet connection and doing activities. While the wireless media over the media is already famous as the most economical in getting an Internet connection. Its coverage area 50 km and its ability to deliver maximum data transfer rate is high in the distance, giving a huge contribution to the existence of wireless MAN and to close any gap existing broadband. In terms of the condition when the process of communication, WiMAX technology can serve the subscriber, whether they are in a position of Line Of Sight (positioning devices that wish to communicate is still within sight of the straight and free from any obstructions in front) to the BTS or not allow for that (Non-Line Of Sight). So no matter where its users are, as long as included in the coverage area of ​​a BTS (Base Transceiver Stations), they may still be able to enjoy a connection that is delivered by the BTS.Also, it can serve both the users with the antenna and equipment (fixed wireless), for example in office buildings, houses, shops, etc., as well as a tendency to move around the place or other mobile devices. They can enjoy air-broadband Internet via these media. While the range is relatively wide frequency spectrum, then the user still can connect with the BTS as long as they are in the operating frequency range of the BTS.Its working system MAC (Media Access Control) which is in the Data Link Layer is connection oriented, allowing users to communicate in the form of video and sound. Who does not want, to the Internet cheap, easy, and comfortable with the quality of broadband without having to bother. Simply install the PCI card compatible with WiMAX standards, or simply buy a PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) which has been supporting communication with WiMAX. Or maybe you just buy a portable antenna with an ethernet interface that can be taken anywhere to get an Internet connection from base stations for fixed wireless.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiMAX
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