Setting Share Access Internet (ICS) with 3G Modem

This time I will be sharing about how to create or make sharing Internet access with ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) from Internet access using 3G Modem. ISP I use is Indosat M2 Unlimited Broom, but we can also make and use the ICS this with all sorts of our ISP (Telkomnet, Speedy, 3G, BlackBerry, etc.).

ICS is the most Simple, simple, and then after a technical understanding of these ICs will be easier to configure with software such as WinGate Internet Access Sharing, Winroute, WinProxy, Kerio Winroute, UserGate Proxy & Firewall, Proxy Pro Gateway, etc..

Pertamax: Go to Settings menu Control Panel -> Network Connection. Then Right Click Interface connection we Modem and select Properties. In utilizing the features of this ICS, Windows requires Windows Firewall Service we must be active. So we have our firewall is not active then we have to do settings on the menu "Control Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Services" -> "Windows Firewall / ICS".

 Second: Select the Advanced tab, and activate / tick / Checkmark Internet Connection Sharing. Then select the LAN interface will we connect to the switch or to the Access Point or directly to another PC (using Cross Cable). We can also choose the interface we then Wifi Adapters Wifi in ad hoc settings as Infrastructure / Access Point (depending on the features you loh Wifi Adapter, support / could be AP or not).

Third: After finishing second last stage and then we'll click okay and will appear as the following comment, which is our LAN interface IP address to be Then click Yes to start the ICS activate this feature.

Fourth: Next we turn our 3G connection.

Fifth: Then we check the status of either 3G or LAN connection is Connected.

Sixth: Check IP Address already using our LAN IP Address

Seventh: Next we do the settings on your PC / Laptop Client order to utilize Internet access from your PC / Laptop HOST above earlier. Go to the menu and select Control Panel and choose Network Connections Local Area Connection. Then right click then select Properties and we are setting its IP address as in step eight.

Eighth: Setting IP Address your PC / Laptop Client like the example below. For example, using IP Address: Then setting his Gateway: (LAN Interface IP Address that we have been setting ICS). Its IP DNS Server is the IP DNS Server from Indosat M2: and

Ninth: We can see the settings from the Command Prompt with the command ipconfig / all. We can also take the Test Ping to any websites or to any other Public IP.

Tenth: Open a Web browser and access to the Websites and the result ... ... .. TARRRRRAAAAAA ... successful ....

 good luck! 
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